Information for Speakers

Providing education for Gloucestershire GPs

General Information for Speakers- Delivering your event as PART of the GGPET programme

Who We Are

Our GGPET committee comprises of GPs with an education interest (variably working as GP Training Programme Directors, Clinical and Educational Supervisors for ST1-3 & Medical Students, Examiner for the MRCGP, and we also have representation from our GP ST3 Education Scholar and ST4 Leadership and Excellence Extensions of Training LEET). 

How We Work

Our educational events are largely prompted by a training needs analysis taken from attendee feedback forms after each event and at our Annual Programme Planning meeting which usually occurs in June after the String of Pearls week. We do not usually cover mandatory training but do work closely with our TPDs to ensure a core number of events that are particularly relevant to our GP trainees. 

Our members greatly value hearing from local clinical colleagues to whom they maybe referring patients to, discussing recent Advice & Guidance or Cinapsis contacts and understanding local referral pathways. Likewise our speakers have greatly appreciated being able to 'put faces to names' in meeting and dialoging with GP colleagues and trainees taught in their hospital rotations. Such discussion and networking really benefits the care of our at times mutual patients and helps achieve a more streamlined patient- centred pathway and experience. 

We co-design and facilitate our sessions with speakers who have approached us or we have invited to speak, working also in a long-standing partnership with the Nuffield and Winfield Hospital. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we have delivered education with rapid learning of IT modes of interaction and whilst we use Zoom in GGPET, we have 2 facilitators available to run the events with you. As pandemic recovery allows the committee are looking at a return to face to face events with the ability to join remotely also as this has proved a flexible and popular way of engaging with the education calendar. Our evening events on Zoom have around 20 people registering for them and we have held 1/2 day courses on Zoom that have reached the maximum capacity on Zoom of 100 attendees, which is the capacity of the Lecture Theatre at Sandford Education Centre when we hold our String of Pearls flagship education week in the 2nd week of May. 

Our events are largely independent of pharmaceutical sponsorship part from our String of Pearls week which we hope to be able to return to in the 2nd week of May from 2022. 

What To Expect 

You will have the support of a GGPET education facilitator who will help plan and co-design your session with GP learning needs in mind. They will share a session-planning template with you which may help in preparing a GP/ GP trainee audience education session which is interactive; case- based and A&G/ Cinapsis small group discussions have been the most well-received parts of a session with plenty of opportunity for questions. Once the learner objectives are agreed the event is kitemarked by the GGPET Chair on behalf of the Severn School of Primary Care. 

For now when delivering remotely, the IT platform is Zoom, the session is usually recorded with your permission and uploaded to Vimeo for our members to view after the event. A co-facilitator will help support with screen-sharing, letting registered attendees in from the waiting room, reviewing questions and comments in the chat for example. It would help if slides could be sent to your facilitator ahead of the event in case if IT failure at the time of the event so there is a back-up slide deck. They will also ask delegates to complete feedback forms & reflect on the educational activity- these are generated using your session’s aims & objectives.. All of the feedback is then collated and sent onto us & you in electronic format, which can then be used as evidence for education & appraisal.

Uploading Course Information

We have a previous courses page provides details of courses run where we can upload your presentation/ video recording link (with your permission). Files here are usually kept for one year.

Speaker Fees

We appreciate that it takes time and effort to produce a good quality education session for GPs and GP Trainees. GGPET offers speakers a fee for their time; payments are made in line with the Severn School of Primary Care's guidelines. Claims may be made as follows:-

Lecture fee - £60 per hour

Lecture fees can be paid for a service provided within an individual's own personal time and not within an individual's normal NHS working hours. It can be payable to an educational or charity fund held within the individual’s own department. 

Preparation fee -£60 per hour

Individual speakers may claim a maximum of three hours preparation time which is specifically for a GGPET event, for a 3 hour session.This would usually need to be agreed in advance with GGPET. Where there are multiple speakers preparation time will be paid at a pro-rata rate per each 3-hour session. This would usually need to be agreed in advance with GGPET.

Departmental talks/ Joint Sessions

Lectures supported by a number of speakers from the same department/specialty may claim a combined fee to be paid to an education/charitable fund for the department. These fees are paid at a rate of £300 for a half-day or £600 for a whole-day.

Evening Talks at the Winfield & Nuffield Hospitals

Separate arrangements exist for speakers at these events, please contact the relevant hospital's GP Liaison Manager and

Funding & Expenses

GGPET funding comes mainly from annual membership fees, with a small amount from pharmaceutical company sponsorship at our week-long education event String of Pearls.

Useful Documents

Guidelines for webinar presenters

Speaker fees claim form

Free Course Taster

To see how becoming a GGPET member can benefit you, here's a sample of one of our recent courses.